
Oxford EMI (English as Medium of Instruction) training program at ICU

2018年8月20日~8月24日にOxford EMI training programがICUで開催され、日本で初開催となる今回、ICUを含む全国10大学から17人の大学教員が参加されました。(Oxford EMI course at ICU)

このプログラムは英語が非母国語の国での英語による授業の向上を目的としていて、イギリスOxford大学のEMI training講師陣がイギリス国内または世界各国を訪れ、英語で授業を行っている大学教員を対象に英語による教授法をレクチャーするものです。

全プログラムが終了し、ダイニングホール一角でCertificate・Farewell Partyが開催されましたが、プログラム中の真剣な表情から一転して、晴れやかな笑顔でCertificateを授与され、飲物を頂きながら談笑されている受講者の方々の姿が大変印象的でした。

今回ICUで開催され、国内の大学教員の方々のEMI Trainingに貢献できたことは光栄でした。






<Certificate・Farewell Party>


Message from Ms. Julie, Director of Oxford EMI Training

The Oxford EMI team would like to thank ICU for hosting the Course in English Medium Instruction (EMI) for University Lecturers. We were very pleased to welcome lecturers from 10 different universities in Japan who came to ICU to learn together and share their EMI experiences. These universities are going international and are therefore teaching academic subjects through English.
During the course we explored how to teach through EMI at university level, how to make lectures more comprehensible and interactive to help our students to learn. We also had the opportunity to participate in lectures by well-known Japanese scholars: Professor Emi Sauzier-Uchida from Waseda University gave a very informative lecture on how Waseda University has implemented EMI. She described a case study of how Waseda University teaches English to prepare Japanese students for English Medium Instruction courses at the School of Political Science and Economics. We were also fortunate to welcome Professor Annette Bradford from Meiji University who gave a very insightful lecture on the current context of EMI in Japan. She spoke about MEXT policies on EMI as well as how these transfer practically to the university classroom.  We would like to thank these two researcher-lecturers for their contributions to our course.
On the final day of the course all of our participants co-taught a mini-lecture, demonstrating their understanding and implementation of the teaching techniques which they learnt during the week. We were highly impressed by their EMI teaching. We were also impressed by the support our participants gave to each other and delighted at the friendships made between teachers from universities at opposite ends of Japan. Long may the friendships and co-operation continue!  As universities in Japan continue to internationalise, we wish all of the participants the best of luck in their future teaching.

Julie Dearden


* Oxford EMI Website http://oxfordemi.co.uk/
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