
【FD Workshop】Quality Educational Assessment in Higher Education

バルセロナ大学教育学部のDr. Gabriel Hervás Nicolásによる教員のためのワークショップ”Quality Educational Assessment in Higher Education”を開催しました。約20名の教職員が聴講されました。

◇日時: 2019年10月11日(金)12:45~13:45
◇場所: Multimedia Room, Othmer Library GF
◇講演者: Gabriel Hervás Nicolás
      Assistant professor, the Department of Teaching and Learning and Educational Organization,the University of Barcelona
      Visiting Researcher of the Institute for Educational Research and Service、ICU
◇言語: 英語
◇対象: 全教職員、大学院生
During the last 20 years, assessment has been generating debate in relation to its goals, usages and quality in Higher Education. Amongst others, three reasons stand out to explain this interest: i) the turn towards student-centered teaching-learning approaches;ii) the use of competencies as goals or learning outcomes; c) the common lack of pedagogical training of faculty. This seminar introduces ideas, reflections and discussion about trends, decisions and challenges related to, amongst other topics, the purposes and criteria for quality educational assessment and feedback and constructive alignment. With this, the seminar aims to offer a standpoint to analyze, discuss and enhance assessment practices at the university level.
