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2. Performance by Students
「平調音取」 Hyojo-no-netori, 「越天楽」 Etenraku / 朗詠「嘉辰」Roei Kashin / 「双調音取」Sojo-no-netori / 「酒胡子」Shukoshi
2. Performance by instructors
「平調調子」Hyojo-no-choshi /「鶏徳」Keitoku (管・絃, winds and strings)/ 「陪臚」Bairo(同上 ibid.)/「沙陀調音取」Sadacho-no-netori / 「蘭陵王」Ranryoo(舞楽吹 Bugakubuki, 管・打 winds and percussions)
Gagaku Project Members, Matt Gillan (ICU Music Professor)
Direction: 中村仁美 Hitomi Nakamura (Adjunct Lecturer, ICU)
Instructors: 伊崎善之 Yoshiyuki Izaki, 三浦礼美 Remi Miura
助演 Guest performers: 國本淑恵 Yoshie Kunimoto, 鈴木絵理 Eri Suzuki, 〆野護元 Moriyuki Shimeno
This project is supported by Japan ICU Foundation