Call for Participants! New York UN Seminar (QPPI528 United Nations Seminar on Sustainable Development)
Application deadline: 4:00 p.m., Friday, November 4, 2022
We are pleased to announce the following New York UN Seminar in the AY2023 spring term (spring recess intensive course).
≪Implementation period≫ March 13 (Mon.) - 17 (Fri.), 2023
(Departure from Tokyo, March 11 (Sat.), Return to Tokyo, March 19 (Sun.))
≪Program Content≫ The Program content is being developed but the plan is to have a series of
“briefings” by the current staff of the United Nations Secretariat, UNICEF, UNDP Human Development
Report Office, the Global Environment Facility run by the World Bank/UNDP, among others. The group will
also visit the Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN and possibly another Mission of a developing country.
For the final two days, the Seminar will be held at the Japan ICU Foundation Seminar Room where we
might be able to access speakers outside NY, as well as hold a Human Resources training session.
Application guidelines are available on the intramural website.