Friends of ICU Academic Awards

Friends of ICU Academic Awards are found based on the contributions to each award. As a result of the review, made by the selection committees of each award, the awards are given to the most outstanding senior theses, master theses, doctor theses of the respective academic field, or to the student with the outstanding grade. With the contribution to the Friends of ICU, being the University fundraising project, scholarship such as “Makoto Saito Academic Award in Peace Studies", "Makoto Saito Academic Award in American Studies", "Maurice and Arvilla 'Billie' Troyer Prize in Education", "Akira Takayama Prize in Economics", "Tatsuro Kunugi Academic Award in Studies of Global Governance", "Academic Award for Vietnamese Studies", "Kiyoko Cho Academic Award in Asian Studies", "Koya Azumi Award in Sociology, "Fumiko Koide Academic Award in Teaching of Japanese as a Foreign Language", "ICU Graduate Science Award", "Masa's Peacemaking Award", "ICU Undergraduate Science Award", "Rainbow Award in Gender and Sexuality Studies", "Takakazu Kuriyama Award for International Peace & Diplomacy", "Shin Chiba Politics Prize", "Tateo Kanda-Pedilavium Society Academic Award in Humanities", "Setsuko Mizoguchi Academic Award in English Language Education" and "Nobushige Ukai Academic Award in Law and Policy Studies" are provided.