Supporting the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum

Your donations will be utilized as part of the operation fees for the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum.

(Main uses)
・Fees for acquiring and repairing artifacts in the collection
・Renewing equipment in the museum



Exterior of museum
Exterior of museum
Lobby in the interior of the museum
Lobby in the interior of the museum
Festival Hanten: Design of Anchor and Waves
Festival Hanten: Design of Anchor and Waves


Outline of Supporting the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum

Supporting the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum
Purpose of Donation
For use as part of the management fund at the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum
Campaign Target
JPY 1 million/year or more
Permanent campaign
Tax Exemption for Donation
For a resident in Japan, donations to ICU will be tax-deductible.
For donors living in the USA, Canada, or Mexico, please contact JICUF (Japan ICU Foundation) in New York.
Donor Recognition
ICU will honor your donation by publishing your name in the university bulletin, “The ICU,” and other media (except those who prefer to remain anonymous).


Introduction of the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum (video)


Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum (Website)