ICU Peace Bell Scholar Report Event Was Held Online
The ICU Peace Bell Scholar Report event hosted by the President, was held on Saturday, February 12, 2022. Although the event has normally been held on the campus, it was held online.
Since it was first awarded in 2008, the ICU Peace Bell Scholarship has continued to support outstanding undergraduate students who have high aspirations and who require financial assistance. The scholarship is offered by ICU and is funded in its entirety by donations. At the event, Scholars receiving the ICU Peace Bell Scholarship who will be mainly graduating in March or June 2022 gave a report about their four years at ICU. Approximately sixty people, including donors, former and current Scholars, and university faculty and staff, attended the event and listened to reports from graduating Scholars detailing their four years at ICU and their aspirations for the future.
We appreciate everyone’s attendance to this event and also your encouraging messages to Scholars.
We look forward to your continued support of this scholarship.
Please see here for information about this scholarship.