ICU Peace Bell Scholarship

A system unique to ICU supported mostly by alumni, Peace Bell Scholarships started with the image of passing a lit torch along from one generation to the next. undergraduate students apply for the scholarships before entering the university and receive aid for all four years of their study.


Outline of ICU Peace Bell Scholarship

ICU Peace Bell Scholarship
Campaign Target
JPY 56 million/year
A permanent campaign
Gifts of any amount are appreciated. Please provide donor information by submitting the gift form or sending an e-mail.

ICU alumni took the initiative to establish the Peace Bell Scholarship in 2008, for excellent students in need of financial support. Since the inception of this innovative scholarship, individuals who believe in ICU's unique philosophy have supported Peace Bell Scholars during their four undergraduate years with an annual grant of JPY 1 million (a total of JPY 4 million over 4 years). As of April 2024, this stipend has been expanded to include the matriculation fee, tuition, facilities fee, and dormitory (if the PBS becomes an ICU student dormitory resident) fees, amounting to an exemption of approximately JPY 8.3 million in four years.
We fund the Peace Bell Scholarship by means of direct donations to the scholarship, and also other sources such as the ICU Pay Forward Fund and gains from managing them. Some 14 Scholars are selected every year. The scholarship provides these exceptional students the opportunity to contribute to the ICU community as its role model and ultimately to the common good after graduation.




About ICU's Peace Bell

ICU's peace bell was given to the ICU Chapel for its 50th anniversary to honor Hisato Ichimada, former governor of the Bank of Japan and supporter of the university when it was first established. The bell is engraved with words from the First Epistle of Peter: "Let Them Seek Peace and Pursue It."

● A Proposition   Hisato Ichimada

● ICU, a Miracle in the History of the World   Kazuo Kitahara


Video Messages from Peace Bell Scholars



Messages from Peace Bell Scholars


Messages from our donors

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