Supporting Organ Music at ICU
The generous donations will be used to maintain the 4 organs at ICU and to support activities at the Sacred Music Center(music education programs, outreach activities).

Supporting Organ Music at ICU
- Name
- Supporting Organ Music at ICU
- Purpose of Donation
- Used to maintain the 4 organs at ICU and to support activities at the Sacred Music Center(music education programs, outreach activities
- Total Target
- JPY 1 million/year
- Period
- Permanent campaign
- Tax Exemption for Donation
For a resident in Japan, donations to ICU will be tax-deductible.
For donors living in the USA, Canada, or Mexico, please contact JICUF (Japan ICU Foundation) in New York. - Donor Recognition
ICU will honor all donors by publishing their names in the university newsletter, “The ICU,” and other media (except those who wish to remain anonymous).
For donors whose cumulative donations exceed a certain amount, ICU will present a commemorative gift to them. - Special Commemorative Gift
- To sustain the tradition of organ music at ICU, we will be presenting those who donate more than JPY 1,000, the ICU Rieger Organ: The 40th Anniversary CD. For details see Sacred Music Center Website CD.
【Message from the Director of the Sacred Music Center】
The Sacred Music Center celebrated the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Rieger organ in the ICU University Chapel last year.
The organ underwent a significant overhaul in 2019 and continues to produce a glorious sound. In 2023, with the restoration of the main building, we plan a large-scale renovation of the Mori Organ.
In recent years, we have launched new activities for liberal arts education through music, including a gagaku project, Messiah project, and students’ concerts in the chapel.
We would greatly appreciate your generous contributions to help us cover a portion of these expenses.
Nozomi Sato
Director, Sacred Music Center

Sacred Music Center Website
Introduction of music activities at the Sacred Music Center(videos)
- Introducing ICU Organ Courses
- Final Concert(March 2021)