History & Statistics of Service-Learning in ICU
Year | Month | Events |
1996 | International Internship (2units) was first offered | |
1999 | "Community Service-Learning" (2units) was first offered "International Internship" (2units→3units) |
2000 | April | Introduction to Service-Learning (2units) was first offered |
2001 | April | Dr. Florence E. McCarthy, the Vice President for Asian Affairs of the International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership (IPSL) was invited as a visiting professor and continues to be a special advisor for service-learning to 2010. |
2002 | April | Preparation for Service-Learning Field Study (1unit) was first offered |
July | Service Learning in Asia: Creating Networks and Curricula in Higher Education was held at ICU, with co-host of UBCHEA. 70 from 30 Universities in Asia participated in the conference. | |
Oct. | Reflection on Service Experiences (1unit) was first offered | |
Service Learning Center (SLC) was established in ICU. Prf. Kano Yamamoto was appointed as the 1st Director of SLC. | ||
2003 | Sept. | Service-Learning Committee was formed to enhance the university-wide coordination for the service-learning program. |
2004 | Jan. | Service-Learning Asia Network (SLAN) was created through the close communication among the faculty and administrators who met during the conference held at ICU in 2002. |
March | SLAN Coordinators' Meeting was held at ICU. Members of 6 Asian universities participated. | |
Apr.-May | 2 students from Payap University, Thailand were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
May-June | 2 students from Lady Doak College, India were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
2005 | April | Prof. Takashi Nishio was appointed as the 2nd Director of SLC. |
Community Service-Learning (2units→3units) | ||
May-June | 2 students from Chung Chi College, Hong Kong and 2 students from Lady Doak College, India were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
June | Japan Overseas Experiential Learning Network (JOELN) Tokyo Forum conference was held at ICU | |
July | International Service-Learning program of ICU was selected as one of the 15 GPs for "Strategic Support for International Collaboration" (ISLMP) | |
Sept | SLAN Evaluation Workshop was held at ICU | |
2006 | Jan.-Feb. | 1st SLAN Planning Committee was held at ICU 2 students from Seoul Women's University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. |
April | International Service-Learning (3units) was offered which was originally offered as "International Internships" (3units) | |
May-June | 2 students from Lady Doak College, India were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
Aug.-Sept. | SU-ICU International Service-Learning Model Program took place in the Dumaguete City, the Philippines | |
Sept. | 2nd SLAN Planning Committee held at ICU | |
2007 | Jan. -Feb. | 2 students from Petra Christian University, Indonesia were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. |
March | Nanjing-ICU Academic Partnership Conference held at ICU | |
April | Prof. Yutaka Sato was appointed as the 3rd Director of SLC. | |
May-June | 2 students from Nanjing University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
Aug.-Sept. | LDC-ICU International Service-Learning Model Program was held in Madurai, India | |
Sept. | 3rd SLAN Evaluation/Planning Committee meeting was held at ICU | |
Oct.-Nov. | 2 students from Silliman University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
2008 | Jan. | Service-Learning Symposium: Exploring the Long-lasting Impact from Service-Learning Experience was held at ICU |
May-June | 2 students from Nanjing Normal University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
July-Aug. | ICU-WSU-TLC International Service-Learning Model Program took place in Malawi, AFRICA | |
Sept. | SLAN Research Workshop held at ICU Japan-China Dialogue Workshop took place at ICU |
Dec. | Special Studies in Service-Learning I was first offered . | |
2009 | Jan.-Feb. | 3 students from Soochow University, Taiwan were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. |
March | Dr. Kevin Kecskes was invited from Portland State University to give some lectures on Service-Learning. | |
April | Prof. Yoshikazu Hongo was appointed as the 4th Director of SLC. | |
May-June | 2 students from Ginling College, China were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
Dec. | Special Studies in Service-Learning II was first offered . | |
2010 | Jan. | Service-Learning Symposium: Service-Learning and Its Long Term Implications was held at ICU. |
2011 | Jan.-Feb. | 2 students from Ginling College and Nanjing Normal University, China were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. |
April | Prof. Yoshito Ishio was appointed as the 5th Director of SLC. | |
2012 | June | Service Learning Center 10-year Anniversary Symposium: Past and Future was held at ICU |
Nov. | Japan Overseas Experiential Learning Network (JOELN) nationwide conference will be held at ICU. | |
2013 | July-Aug. | 6 ICU students were sent to Nanjing for ICU-Nanjing Special Service-Learning Program <Part I> (Commemorating 60th Anniversary of ICU) |
Sept.-Oct. | 8 students from Nanjing were invited under the ICU-Nanjing Special Service-Learning Program <Part II> (Commemorating 60th Anniversary of ICU) | |
Dec. | Service Learning Symposium “Service Learning: Its Significance and Prospects in the Educational Context in Japan” was held at ICU (Commemorating ICU's 60th Anniversary and Service Learning Center's 10th Anniversary) | |
2014 | Sep. | Prof. Kana Takamatsu was appointed as the 6th Director of SLC. |
Sep.-Nov. | Based on the Service Learning Exchange Agreement, hosted 1 student for 1 term from each of the 3 Universities, Lady Dork College (India), Union Christian College (India), Petra Christian University (Indonesia). | |
2015 | Jan.-Feb. | 4 students from Seoul Women's University, Korea were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. |
April | Prof. Takashi Nishio was appointed as the 7th Director of SLC. | |
May-June | 4 students from Chung Chi College, Hong Kong were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. | |
Sep.-Nov. | Based on the Service Learning Exchange Agreement, hosted 1 student for 1 term from each of the 3 Universities, Lady Dork College (India), Union Christian College (India), Petra Christian University (Indonesia). | |
2016 | Feb. | 4 students from Seoul Women's University, Korea were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students. |
July | Japan Summer Service-Learning (JSSL) Program started in cooperation with Middlebury College | |
2017 | April | Prof. Hiroshi Suzuki was appointed as the 8th Director of SLC. |
July-Aug. | Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College. | |
2018 | July-Aug. | Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College. |
2019 | March | International Service-Learning Conference "International Service-Learning with Trusted Partners: Reflection for the Future" is held at ICU |
April | Prof. Mikiko Nishimura was appointed as the 9th Director of SLC. | |
2021 | June-July | Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College. |
2022 | July | SLAN Business Meeting was held at ICU |
July | International Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of SLAN "The Future of Service-Learning in Asia: A Regional Dialogue on Networking" was held at ICU | |
July | Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College. | |
2023 | April | Prof. Etsuko Kato was appointed as the 10th Director of SLC. |
July | Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College. | |
2024 | Dec. | Japan Service-Learning (JSL) Program took place. |
Number of ICU students to SLAN partner institutions by countries
*Programs in 2020 were suspended due to COVID 19 pandemic.
*Programs in 2021 were implemented online.
Number of ICU students to SLAN partner institutions by institutions
*Programs in 2020 were suspended due to COVID 19 pandemic.
*Programs in 2021 were implemented online.
Number of students from SLAN partners to ICU before JSSL program
Number of students from SLAN partners to ICU as JSSL/JSL program
*Programs in 2020 were suspended due to COVID 19 pandemic.
*Overseas students paticipated in JSSL program 2021 online.
*Students from Silliman University, Lady Doak College and Union Christian College participated in JSSL program 2022 online.
*The program was conducted as JSL in December for the year 2024.