History & Statistics of Service-Learning in ICU

Year Month Events
1996   International Internship (2units) was first offered
1999   "Community Service-Learning" (2units) was first offered
"International Internship" (2units→3units)
2000 April Introduction to Service-Learning (2units) was first offered
2001 April Dr. Florence E. McCarthy, the Vice President for Asian Affairs of the International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership (IPSL) was invited as a visiting professor and continues to be a special advisor for service-learning to 2010.
2002 April Preparation for Service-Learning Field Study (1unit) was first offered
July Service Learning in Asia: Creating Networks and Curricula in Higher Education was held at ICU, with co-host of UBCHEA. 70 from 30 Universities in Asia participated in the conference.
Oct. Reflection on Service Experiences (1unit) was first offered
Service Learning Center (SLC) was established in ICU. Prf. Kano Yamamoto was appointed as the 1st Director of SLC.
2003 Sept. Service-Learning Committee was formed to enhance the university-wide coordination for the service-learning program.
2004 Jan. Service-Learning Asia Network (SLAN) was created through the close communication among the faculty and administrators who met during the conference held at ICU in 2002.
March SLAN Coordinators' Meeting was held at ICU. Members of 6 Asian universities participated.
Apr.-May 2 students from Payap University, Thailand were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
May-June 2 students from Lady Doak College, India were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
2005 April Prof. Takashi Nishio was appointed as the 2nd Director of SLC.
Community Service-Learning (2units→3units)
May-June 2 students from Chung Chi College, Hong Kong and 2 students from Lady Doak College, India were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
June Japan Overseas Experiential Learning Network (JOELN) Tokyo Forum conference was held at ICU
July International Service-Learning program of ICU was selected as one of the 15 GPs for "Strategic Support for International Collaboration" (ISLMP)
Sept SLAN Evaluation Workshop was held at ICU
2006 Jan.-Feb. 1st SLAN Planning Committee was held at ICU
2 students from Seoul Women's University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
April International Service-Learning (3units) was offered which was originally offered as "International Internships" (3units)
May-June 2 students from Lady Doak College, India were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
Aug.-Sept. SU-ICU International Service-Learning Model Program took place in the Dumaguete City, the Philippines
Sept. 2nd SLAN Planning Committee held at ICU
2007 Jan. -Feb. 2 students from Petra Christian University, Indonesia were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
March Nanjing-ICU Academic Partnership Conference held at ICU
April Prof. Yutaka Sato was appointed as the 3rd Director of SLC.
May-June 2 students from Nanjing University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
Aug.-Sept. LDC-ICU International Service-Learning Model Program was held in Madurai, India
Sept. 3rd SLAN Evaluation/Planning Committee meeting was held at ICU
Oct.-Nov. 2 students from Silliman University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
2008 Jan. Service-Learning Symposium: Exploring the Long-lasting Impact from Service-Learning Experience was held at ICU
May-June 2 students from Nanjing Normal University were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
July-Aug. ICU-WSU-TLC International Service-Learning Model Program took place in Malawi, AFRICA
Sept. SLAN Research Workshop held at ICU
Japan-China Dialogue Workshop took place at ICU
Dec. Special Studies in Service-Learning I was first offered .
2009 Jan.-Feb. 3 students from Soochow University, Taiwan were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
March Dr. Kevin Kecskes was invited from Portland State University to give some lectures on Service-Learning.
April Prof. Yoshikazu Hongo was appointed as the 4th Director of SLC.
May-June 2 students from Ginling College, China were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
Dec. Special Studies in Service-Learning II was first offered .
2010 Jan. Service-Learning Symposium: Service-Learning and Its Long Term Implications was held at ICU.
2011 Jan.-Feb. 2 students from Ginling College and Nanjing Normal University, China were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
April Prof. Yoshito Ishio was appointed as the 5th Director of SLC.
2012 June Service Learning Center 10-year Anniversary Symposium: Past and Future was held at ICU
Nov. Japan Overseas Experiential Learning Network (JOELN) nationwide conference will be held at ICU.
2013 July-Aug. 6 ICU students were sent to Nanjing for ICU-Nanjing Special Service-Learning Program <Part I> (Commemorating 60th Anniversary of ICU)
Sept.-Oct. 8 students from Nanjing were invited under the ICU-Nanjing Special Service-Learning Program <Part II> (Commemorating 60th Anniversary of ICU)
Dec. Service Learning Symposium “Service Learning: Its Significance and Prospects in the Educational Context in Japan” was held at ICU (Commemorating ICU's 60th Anniversary and Service Learning Center's 10th Anniversary)
2014 Sep. Prof. Kana Takamatsu was appointed as the 6th Director of SLC.
Sep.-Nov. Based on the Service Learning Exchange Agreement, hosted 1 student for 1 term from each of the 3 Universities, Lady Dork College (India), Union Christian College (India), Petra Christian University (Indonesia).
2015 Jan.-Feb. 4 students from Seoul Women's University, Korea were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
April Prof. Takashi Nishio was appointed as the 7th Director of SLC.
May-June 4 students from Chung Chi College, Hong Kong were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
Sep.-Nov. Based on the Service Learning Exchange Agreement, hosted 1 student for 1 term from each of the 3 Universities, Lady Dork College (India), Union Christian College (India), Petra Christian University (Indonesia).
2016 Feb. 4 students from Seoul Women's University, Korea were invited to ICU as the SL exchange students.
July Japan Summer Service-Learning (JSSL) Program started in cooperation with Middlebury College
2017 April Prof. Hiroshi Suzuki was appointed as the 8th Director of SLC.
July-Aug. Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College.
2018 July-Aug. Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College.
2019 March International Service-Learning Conference "International Service-Learning with Trusted Partners: Reflection for the Future" is held at ICU
April Prof. Mikiko Nishimura was appointed as the 9th Director of SLC.
2021 June-July Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College.
2022 July SLAN Business Meeting was held at ICU
July International Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of SLAN "The Future of Service-Learning in Asia: A Regional Dialogue on Networking" was held at ICU
July Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College.
2023 April Prof. Etsuko Kato was appointed as the 10th Director of SLC.
July Japan Summer Service-Learning Program took place in cooperation with Middlebury College.
2024 Dec. Japan Service-Learning (JSL) Program took place.

Number of ICU students to SLAN partner institutions by countries

*Programs in 2020 were suspended due to COVID 19 pandemic.

*Programs in 2021 were implemented online.

Number of ICU students to SLAN partner institutions by institutions

*Programs in 2020 were suspended due to COVID 19 pandemic.

*Programs in 2021 were implemented online.

Number of students from SLAN partners to ICU before JSSL program


Number of students from SLAN partners to ICU as JSSL/JSL program

*Programs in 2020 were suspended due to COVID 19 pandemic.

*Overseas students paticipated in JSSL program 2021 online.

*Students from Silliman University, Lady Doak College and Union Christian College participated in JSSL program 2022 online.

*The program was conducted as JSL in December for the year 2024.