SLC News

We will issue a newsletter three times (July/December/March) a year, introducing what SLC does in each term, columns for students, alumni, and local communities.

VOL. 13: Spring Term AY2024
DATE OF ISSUE July 17, 2024


  • International Student's Voice "What I felt after experiencing SL activities"
  • SL ambassador’s voice "SL Activities and My Career Path"
  • SL Ambassador Interview with a Host Organization
  • Developing Campus-Community Partnerships for Service-Learning
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor's note

VOL. 12: Winter Term AY2023
DATE OF ISSUE March 4th, 2024


  • Reflecting on the Internation Program of "Faculty-led Service-Learning"
  • Reflecting on the three years of the Common Good Grant
  • Interviewing Host Institutions by SL Ambassador
  • Reflecting ICU by the Graduating Students
  • Service-Learning in ICU's Academics
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor's note

VOL. 11: Autumn Term AY2023
DATE OF ISSUE November 15th, 2023


  • Community Service-Learning AY2023
    ・Voices of the participants
    ・Voices of the host organizations
  • International Service-Learning AY2023
    ・Voices of the participants
    ・Voices of the host institutions
  • New SL Ambassador members
  • Editor's note

VOL. 10: Spring Term AY2023
DATE OF ISSUE August 8th, 2023


  • Reflection on CGG Activities for 2022
  • SL Ambassador Activities
  • AIUxICU Service-Learning
  • Greetings from New Faculty Members
  • Message from the New Director of SLC
  • Editorʼs note

VOL. 9: Winter Term AY2022
DATE OF ISSUE March 10th, 2023


  • Employment, Academic Advancement and Service-Learning
  • Voices of Graduated Students
  • "Three ways to learn"
    Prof. Takashi Nishio
  • "ISL Coordinator Reflections" Ms. Hitomi Yokote
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editorʼs note

VOL. 8: Summer & Autumn Term AY2022
DATE OF ISSUE November 3rd, 2022




A3 format * 8 pages
  • International Symposium for SLAN 20th Anniversary
  • Testimonies of Service-Activities for 2022
  • Comments from Service Sites and Partner Institution of 2022
  • Former Service-Learning Participants Now
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 7: Spring Term AY2022
DATE OF ISSUE August 12th, 2022




A3 format * 4 pages
  • News in the Spring Term

- SLAN 20th Anniversary International Symposium
- Common Good Grant Project for the Community Student Members Selected
- Signing Service-Learning Agreement with Silliman University
- Publishing Service-Learning Studies Series No. 7

  • "Common Good Grant Project" for the Second Year
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 6: Winter Term AY2021
DATE OF ISSUE April 8th, 2022




A3 format * 4 pages
  • News in Autumn and Winter Term

- Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Exhibition was held online
- "Common Good Grant Project" Awarded Grants to Support the Local Communities

  • Reflection of Faculty-led Course
  • Reflection of Service-Learning
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 5: Summer 2021
DATE OF ISSUE October 18, 2021



SIZE & PAGE A3 format * 4 pages
  • News in the Summer

- Summer Service-Learning Connected to the World Online
- Signing the Agreement concerning SL with AIU
- Common Good Grant Project for the Community Student Members Selected

  • Our Partnersʼ Voice
  • SL Studentsʼ Voice
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 4: Spring Term 2021
DATE OF ISSUE June 1, 2021

2021_Spring Newsletter.pdf

2021_Spring Newsletter_ページ_1.png

SIZE & PAGE A3 format * 4 pages
  • News in Spring Term

- Service-Learning in Spring Term, with a Gradual Return to Field Activities
- Signing the Agreement concerning SL and peace with Nagasaki
- Common Good Grant Project for the Community Student Members Selected
- 30-day Service-Learning during Spring Recess Under the Pandemic
- New SL Ambassadors Joined

  • SL Alumniʼs Voice “I want to create a society where people can fulfill their potential by reducing inequality of opportunity”.
  • Column: Introduction of New Activities After Service Activities by SL Students
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 3: Winter Term 2020
DATE OF ISSUE March 30, 2021

2020_Winter Newsletter.pdf2020_Winter Newsletter_ページ_1.png

SIZE & PAGE A3 format * 5 pages
  • News in Winter Term

- 30 Days of Service Activities During the Autumn and Winter Terms, Combining Online and Field Practicum
- Signing the Agreement with Tenryu Village, Nagano Prefecture
- SL Course on "Design Thinking" with Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- Brochure Introducing Service Activities in Japan Issued
- Issued "SL Studies Series 6," Case Studies of COVID-19 Pandemic and Future Prospects

  • SL Studentʼs Voice “JSSL Program and Subsequent Volunteer Activities That Led to My Career Path After Graduation”
  • SL Alumniʼs Voice “A Brief Encounter from Service Activities in a School for the Blind in the Philippines that Led to an Encounter after 10 years” ‒Part II
  • Column: ”Mapping Service Activity Destinations Around ICU” with ICUHS
  • Column: Celebrating the Graduation of the First SL Ambassadors!!
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 2: Autumn Term 2020
DATE OF ISSUE December 9, 2020

2020_Autumn Newsletter_A3.pdf

2020_Autumn Newsletter_A3_ページ_1.png

SIZE & PAGE A3 format * 4 pages
  • News in Autumn Term

- SL Photo & Video Contest in Summer 2020
- Online Classes and Remote Service Activities in the Autumn Term
- Service Activities during Autumn and Winter Terms
- Serving Together with Entrepreneurs & Immigrants for Gojomemachi, Akita
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Ghana in summer 2021
- Faculty-led Service-Learning Courses Begin in 2021
- Common Good Grant Project for Local Communities

  • Introducing our Overseas Partner Institution “ARISE AND SHINE” from Union Christian College, India
  • SL Alumniʼs Voice “A Brief Encounter from Service Activities in a School for the Blind in the Philippines that Led to an Encounter after 10 years” ‒Part I
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 1: Spring Term 2020
DATE OF ISSUE July 1, 2020 Spring Term 20200001.jpg
SIZE & PAGE A3 format * 4 pages
  • News in Spring Term

- Online Classes and Remote Service Activities
- Collaborative Online Session with Lingnan University (Hong Kong)
- Online SLAN Meeting with Our Partner Universities in Asia
- Summer Programs Cancelled, Community SL in Autumn Term Scheduled
- Symposium of Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis at ICU

  • SL Ambassador’s Voice “Service-Experience Brought me to the Philippines. Filipino University’s Responses to COVID-19”
  • Introducing our Community “Virtual School Trip for Kids in Mitaka”
  • Message from the Director of SLC
  • Editor’s note

VOL. 6: Winter Term AY2021
発行日 2022年4月8日



サイズ・ページ数 A3・4ページ
  • 秋学期・冬学期のSLCの取組み

- 長崎原爆展をオンライン開催
- 地域コミュニティ支援のための「コモン・グッド基金学生プロジェクト」が助成金を支給

  • 教員主導コースを振り返って
  • サービス・ラーニングを振り返って
  • SL センター長からのメッセージ
  • 編集後記