Nov. 14, 2019

SL Ambassador's Blog★Introducing JSSL program [Activities]

Introduction of Japan Summer Service-Learning (JSSL) Program [Activities]

JSSL is a joint program of ICU and Middlebury College (U.S.). Students from Middlebury College and SLAN (Service-Learning Asia Network) partner universities come to ICU and work together with ICU students in Japan for a month. In 2019, a total of 16 students – 4 from Middlebury College, 2 from Union Christian College in India, 2 from Assumption University in Thailand, 2 from Silliman University in the Philippines and 6 ICU students – engaged in service activities!

I will introduce JSSL in two parts!

The period of program in 2019 was from July 3rd to July 31st. Here is a detailed schedule for one month. Basically we had off on Saturdays and Sundays.

July 3: International students arrived! After international students checked in to the dormitory and healed the tiredness of their trip for a while, we had a welcome dinner at the cafeteria. Though at first we were a little bit nervous about communicating with each other, we could get along soon!


July 4 - 8: Orientation at ICU! We received detailed explanations of activities and got close to each other through team building activities. On the 8th, all members went to a blueberry farm near ICU and picked blueberries. We gathered at the cafeteria about once every two days and gave activity reports and reflections.

July 9 - 17: Divided into groups of 2 to 8 people, we engaged in service activities in Mitaka City. There were various activities sites such as elementary schools, facilities for elderly adults, learning support programs, and multi-generational exchange programs. Pre-questionary surveys allowed us to work wherever we are interested!


July 18: We prepared for activities in Tenryu-mura starting on the 19th. One of the activities in Tenryu-mura was the Oral History Project. We had a lecture about Oral History by Professor Linda White from Middlebury College! We packed for activities in Tenryu-mura for 5 days and 4 nights after dissolution!

July 19 - 23: One of the highlights of the JSSL program, Tenryu-mura, Nagano Prefecture! We listened to the villagers’ story about the history of the village and interviewed them in the Oral History project. Unfortunately, there were activities that were cancelled due to rain, but it was a fulfilling five days. I stayed at a lovely cottage in the village for 3 nights, and at the local family in the group of 2 or 3 for 1 night!


7/24 & 25: On the morning of the 24th, I took a rest from the trip, and in the afternoon we had a reflection session about our previous activities. As the program gets closer to the end, it is time to output. As an Oral History project, we made a booklet based on an interview conducted in Tenryu-mura. In addition, we prepared for activity on 26th and presentation on 30th.
7/26: In cooperation with a group of "Chi-Q-jin" from Higashi Elementary School in Koganei City, we invited elementary school students and parents to ICU to talk about activities in Tenryu-mura and had a campus tour. In the afternoon, we had a world cooking party! International students cooked their own dishes and ate together with the elementary school students.


July 29 & 30: We reviewed and summarized our current activities. On the 30th, a final presentation session was given to local people and university staff who supported us during the activity period. We reported on our activities for a month, what we learned from it, and our future prospects. We also thanked the people who took care of us. We had lunch at a Farewell Party at the cafeteria. We dressed up in folk costumes such as Yukata and Sari!

July 31: The program was over. Time flied so fast! The international students left Japan and returned to their countries. We saw off at ICU, airport, etc. and said goodbye. We really miss them…


That’s all for now. See you next time!