Sep. 18, 2017

Creation of English Guidance Video for One-Year-Regular (OYR) Students (Text-to-Speech and Video Capture Software)

A “Outline of Course Registration Procedures” video for OYR students was uploaded to the New Student Orientation website, recorded in English using text-to-speech and video capture software. As this video can be used each year, it has helped to reduce the administrative burden.

In addition, the use of text-to-speech (in English) made it possible to record the video more quickly after preparing the captions, as there was no need for English-language narration.

Office Educational Affairs Group and Academic Planning Center
Course Title: Creation of Guidance Materials for OYR Students
Term: 2017 Autumn
Enquiry: Is it possible to use text-to-speech (in English) to record PowerPoint materials for the OYR “Outline of Course Registration Procedures” to be posted on the New Student Orientation website?
Support: PowerPoint materials were read using the text-to-speech feature in Windows and then recorded with video capture software
Tools: • Debut video capture software (using Windows, borrowed from the help desk)
• PowerPoint (with English notes)
• Text-to-speech feature of Windows
Reference:  How to Create Videos Using Text-to-Speech and Video Capture Software” (PDF, Japanese)