Feb. 10, 2023

AY 2022 Winter Term, Class Visitation Week (January 16-20, 2023)

We held the class visitation week from January 16 to 20, 2023. This was our second one, following AY 2021.

After requesting to become hosts to offer their courses to visitors at the Faculty Meeting and so on, ten instructors opened seventeen courses to faculty and staff. This year, we were able to offer a broader range of courses than last year, including the English for Liberal Arts Program (ELA) for first-year students and General Education (GE) courses, as well as specialized and graduate courses in various majors.

A total of twenty-six faculty and staff members visited classes. This was especially a rare opportunity for staff members to observe classes and became a significant experience for them. In addition to the practical feedback of wanting to use the experience and knowledge in public relations and student recruitment activities, some said they were impressed by the students' enthusiasm and personally stimulated and inspired.

On the other hand, some said it was challenging to set aside time for discussion between the instructor and the visitor before and after the visit. Next time, we will consider a framework to encourage communication before and after the visit.