Dec. 23, 2024

Report on AY 2024 Autumn Term Brown Bag Lunch & Learn (2024/10/22 & 11/8)

In addition to facilitating the proactive sharing of skills and specialist knowledge among faculty, Brown Bag Lunch & Learn (BBL&L) seeks to enable faculty members to learn from one another’s classroom experiences, including both things that went well and not so well, and meet colleagues from outside their own programs and departments. Furthermore, BBL&L aims to provide opportunities for faculty members to share information with one another as well as with staff members.

BBL&L #32: October 22, 2024

Theme: QALL402: Field Research and Professional Learning

Facilitator: Professor JUNG, Joo-Young, Senior Associate Professor BONDY, Christopher, Senior Associate Professor MINEJIMA, Chika

Participants: 10 faculty members including the Director and the Associate Director of CTL, and 5 staff members

This session introduced the course “QALL402: Field Research and Professional Learning,” which is run by a teaching team of faculty members from Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. The course's unique content, which covers preparation, planning, conducting, and analysis of fieldwork over the spring and fall terms was explained, while the instructors' impression of the course and student feedback was shared. During the Q&A session, a lively discussion took place, focusing on topics such as the advantages of collaboration of faculty members from Social Sciences and Natural Sciences in running the course and how to teach students with different specialties.

BBL&L #33: November 8, 2024

Theme: AI&Our Education

Facilitator: Senior Lecturer OZAWA, Ikumi, Associate Professor MATSUMURA, Tomoo, Professor NASU, Kei

Participants: 20 faculty members including the Director and the Associate Director of CTL, and 5 staff members

This session brought together the three authors of the FD Newsletter's “Generative AI” special issue for a discussion based on the content of each other's essays. The topic of discussion went beyond the pros and cons of generative AI, evolving into more fundamental questions such as “What is thinking?”, “Who owns our words?”, and “What are universities for?”. During the Q&A session, experiences and cases were shared among the faculty members, such as how teaching and evaluation methods have changed with the advent of generative AI.