Report: ICT Workshop for 2021 Spring term ( March 2021)
Just before the start of the term, on March 10th and 16th, the CTL held an ICT Workshop for faculty and TA on the broad topic of ‘Examples of "whiteboards and tablets" in place of blackboards and "mixed-modes."’ which includes links to mini “case” presentations (and any tools they used!) by six faculties.
【Date】March 10, 16 16:00-17:00
【Day1】Approx. 55 Faculty, TA, and Staff members
Opening(Heather Montgomery / Associate Director, CTL)
Case(Facilitator: Heather Montgomery / Associate Director, CTL)
◇ Examples: Whiteboard &Tablet
1. SHIMIZU, Yuji-sensei ” Pen tablet and whiteboard, USB camera and blackboard.”
2. KOE, Julian R.先生 ” Zoom lectures using two devices.”
◇ Examples: Mixed-Modes
1. NASU, Kei-sensei ” Devise setup for a Zoom-free classroom / Synchronous discussion involving in-class and online students”
2. SMITH, Guy A. 先生 “Experiences with mixed-modes teaching in Autumn/Winter ELA.”
3. MORIKI, Yoshie-sensei, ” Tips for hybrid mode and how to use Google Docs for discussion feedback”
◇Q and A Session
【Day2】Approx. 50 Faculty, TA, and Staff members
Opening(Heather Montgomery / Associate Director, CTL)
Case(Facilitator: Heather Montgomery / Associate Director, CTL)
◇ Examples: Whiteboard &Tablet
1. MATSUMURA, Tomoo-sensei, ” Microsoft Whiteboard, Office Lens, etc”
2. AOKI, Hiroyuki-sensei, ” Blackboard・Interactive Whiteboards(MS Whiteboard)”
◇ Examples: Mixed-Modes
3. YOKOTE, Hitomi-sensei, ISHIHARA, Kenji-sensei, “Blackboard・Interactive Whiteboards(MS Whiteboard)”
4. FUJINUMA, Ryosuke-sensei “Tips for hybrid/Mixed-Modes”
◇Q and A Session
【Participants】Approx. 50 Faculty, TA, and Staff members
The ICT Workshop has been held continuously since April 2020, when it became compliant with online classes, in accordance with the next format of classes.
Videos of the ICT Workshops are available on Moodle (on-campus only).
[AY2022] Online Tool Resources for Online/Hybrid Mode Classes