Aug. 31, 2020

Report: ICT Workshop for 2020 Autumn term ( August 2020)

Just before the start of the term, on August 19th, 20th, and 21th the CTL held Webinars for faculty and TA on the broad topic of “Case study for Online/Hybrid modes classes” which “case” presentations (and any tools they used!) by seven faculties that were well received in the "Survey of Students on Online Classes" conducted in May 2020.

【Date】August 19, 20, and 21 (1)9:00 *20th only (2) 10:00 (3)11:00

(1) NUNOSHIBA, Tatsuo-sensei, "Good practice to implement active learning online" 【Participants】41 Faculty, TA, and Staff members
(2) NAOI, Nozomi-sensei, "Good practice for Implementing Large Classes Online"
【Participants】48 Faculty, TA, and Staff members

(1)BROWN, Bernardo Enrique先生 "Good practice for on-demand Lecture (Kaltura Quiz, Video) "【Participants】17 Faculty, TA, and Staff members

(2) YAMAMOTO, Taeko-sensei, "Good practice for Implementing small Classes Online "【Participants】38 Faculty, TA, and Staff members

(3)TAKANASHI, Mina-sensei, "Good practice for implementing physical education classes online and Tips for Health Concerns of Students." 【Participants】26 Faculty, TA, and Staff members)

(1) GARNER, Joe先生"Good practice for an approach to providing feedback to students in ELA online" 【Participants】23 Faculty, TA, and Staff member

(2) KATO, Etsuko-sensei, "Good practice for keeping the student from getting bored in the online class" 【Participants】31 Faculty, TA, and Staff member

The ICT Workshop for Online/Hybrid classes has been held continuously since April 2020, when it became compliant with online classes, in accordance with the next format of classes.
Videos of the ICT Workshops are available on Moodle (on-campus only).

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