[Report] Staff Exchange : CTL has received four staff members from Hong Kong Baptist University in December 2022
CTL has received four staff members from Hong Kong Baptist University from December 1 to December 9, 2022, as part of the staff exchange under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Center for Holistic Teaching and Learning of Hong Kong Baptist University and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) of ICU. We exchanged opinions on activities related to academic and educational support at both universities and issues faced by each. It was a significant opportunity to deepen our collaboration through discussions on various topics.
Visitors:HKBU: Hong Kong Baptist University
- Dr. Theresa Kwong, Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning
- Dr. Lisa Law, Senior Teaching and Learning Officer
- Ms. Grace Ng, Senior Technical Officer
- Mr. Kendall Yan, Senior Project Officer
- Welcome luncheon
- Meet the administrators at the President's Office
- Meeting with Prof. Alberg, CTL Director, and Prof.Montgomery, CTL Associate Director, and staff.
- Overview of the CTL
- Overview of Student LearningMeeting with CTL
- Overview of Faculty Development
- Overview of TA Support
- Overview of Academic Advising
- Overview of Online Learning
- Meeting with International Office
- Meeting with Institutional Research Office
- Visits to other universities
- Sophia U(上智大学)
ーCenter for Global Education and Discovery (CGED)
ーInstitutional Research Office - Tokyo Woman’s Christian University(東京女子大学)
ーCenter for Teaching and Learning
ーLibrary - University of Tokyo (東京大学)
ーThe Center for Advanced School Education and Evidence-Based Research (CASEER) of the University of Tokyo
- Sophia U(上智大学)